Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Red Tape

August is being very mercurial. Instead of sweltering hot temps, which we did have last week, we've got—I'm not kidding—almost fall-like weather. I had to put a jacket on last night to take the dogs out. Granted, it was still sixty degrees, but we had a strong breeze blowing and it was chilly. Please note, I'm not complaining. But … does this mean Ohio will have blazing hot temperatures in October? Probably.

Super-busy work week again. Finished up the mystery manuscript copy edit. Started a proofread of a memoir on a prominent thoroughbred racing family. I still have two other memoirs in the wings, one of which should start this week. I also have a romance to copy edit. I love being busy!

But … that means I didn't have a lot of time for viewing television. I did, however, find out one of my favorite actors has a new movie coming out in September and might have watched the trailer two or three (okay, more like twelve) times. I'm excited because this movie will totally be my shit and I now have something to look forward to in a month or so.

I finished up the My Life Is Murder episode I started last week. Again, a fun episode where Madison got to shine. I love this cast so much.

I also started the new series of Signora Volpe. This is another series I thoroughly enjoy. Emilia Fox is iconic for her role in Silent Witness and it's so lovely to see her doing something new and fresh and very unlike Nikki.

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Red Tape, a novella that follows a couple when they transfer to a new ship and have to figure out a way to still be together.

Here's the miniblurb:

Noelle Phame and Dirk Santias are given a temporary duty assignment to a new space cruiser and quickly realize how different the traditions are on an admiral's flagship. Once they figure out the red tape, they're free to fraternize all they want.

And a sneaky peek…

Dirk's spare pair of boots dangled from his fingers while he waited for Noelle in their usual spot. "Nothing like the smell of grease, oil, and rubber cappers." The rarely used storage locker held the recycled-parts canisters and crates for the engineering maintenance crewmen.
The out-of-the-way location made it the perfect place to get up close and personal with Noelle. His lips curved. How she thought of the spot, he'd never know. But … he also wouldn't complain—even if the pungent aroma left much to be desired.
His first choice had been the causeway leading to the water treatment hub. Too bad the limited patrolled area ended up being a favorite for others seeking a quiet place to hookup. By the third interruption, the age-old pair of boots to signal the occupied status became the norm. And Noelle suggested the storage locker, which as far as he knew, remained theirs alone.
Noelle strolled around the corner of the corridor and flashed a wide smile. "Right on time. I kinda worried you'd get called into a briefing since we're heading out in the morning." She keyed in the entry code for the hatch.
Dirk set the boots beside the threshold. "Why me and not you?" He followed her inside and dogged the hatch behind him.
Instead of answering, she nudged him against the bulkhead. "Later. I've been waiting for this all day." Her mouth meshed with his.
Right. Who needed conversation? Making out took precedence over everything. Especially if they might not have a chance to get hot and heavy for a while.
His hands inched her shirt upward. Hers loosened the button of his fatigues. His lips blazed a trail along her throat. Her fingers traced the length of his erection before shoving his pants past his hips. He eased her tee over her head and dropped it beside them. She shimmied out of her warmups and toed off her boots. He shrugged out of his shirt and let it fall to the ground while stepping out of his boots and uniform pants. So many times, they'd stripped the layers of clothing off. Sometimes quick and fast with hurried movements when short on time … but not tonight.
Her index finger skimmed from his sternum down to his groin. The featherlight touch stirred his blood and had him craving more. He cupped her breasts, brushing his thumbs over her nipples. Her eyes closed and she shuddered a little.
Her mouth kicked up in a grin. "You always know what'll get me even hotter for you." She grasped his hips, closing the gap between them. "But I don't wanna flare out too fast. Don't know when we'll get to do this again." Her tongue licked a path from his pectoral up along his collarbone.
He loved it when she fell back on pilot speak. A flare-out happened when someone hit their thruster too quickly after exiting the launch tube. The resulting backdraft usually ignited, causing a flash and burn of the engine. Only supremely skilled pilots could get the birds back online and in formation. Most had to scratch and return to the ship.
He rested his forehead against hers. "A flare out would be tragic tonight. Slow and steady to savor the moment." His mouth hovered over hers. "Starting now…" Tilting his head, his lips slanted over hers and his tongue slid past her teeth.
She responded, wrapping her arms around him, her palms flat against his back. He nudged her toward the small desk and urged her to sit up on the surface, which had been covered with a blanket to protect the glossy wood underneath. She splayed her legs, and he bent over, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her thighs. He crouched, leaning forward, and blew a hot breath over her mound.
Noelle moaned low in her throat. "You are going to drive me wild, aren't you?" She dropped back on her elbows.
He met her gaze. "Damn straight." Lowering his head, he flicked his tongue over her clit and slipped a finger inside her core.

Noelle and Dirk are a fun couple to write. I also love having an external conflict that might keep them apart for a while.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.


ML Skye

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