Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Snippet: Operation Moot Point

What a rainy, miserable week. But hey, at least we didn't have any snow.

Not a lot of new television to watch, but the Bitten finale did not disappoint. Especially the ending. Whoa! If there's not a season three, there better at least be a movie to explain that whole dealio.

Finished up a rewatch of the X-Files. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the last two seasons, even without Mulder. Getting ready to begin Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and get back into Teen Wolf. Plus keep up with the last episodes of The Flash and Arrow.

Orphan Black is back next Saturday and I can't wait to get a double dose of clones. Looking forward to how the Castor guys fit into the story.

A final random note, I read Eliza Dushku is joining the cast of Banshee for season four and I have very mixed feelings. I thoroughly enjoyed her as Faith on Buffy, but her last few roles have underwhelmed me. Here's hoping she does a great job and fits in well with the cast.

Tonight's post is from Operation Moot Point, an amusing look at what goes into planning something as simple as a surprise party and what happens to my main characters while they're working together.

Here's the tagline:

Zia Rogue and Keb Belova are highly trained soldiers and put in charge of Operation Moot Point. Between them and their specialized skills, they should be able to plan the surprise party for the base commander—if they can stop arguing long enough to actually get the work done.

And a sneaky peek…

Zia whirled around. "Dammit. Shut up!" She barely kept the volume to a low shout.
Keb crossed his arms over his chest. "No. I won't. Not until you—"
Zia held up a hand. "Admit you're right?" She nodded. "Yeah, okay. You are. And I won't pull the maneuver again anytime soon, all right?" She waited, her head tilted to one side.
He inclined his chin, acknowledging her promise.
She heaved a sigh. "Good. Now seriously shut up about what happened yesterday and move the hell on." She swiped her palm over the holo monitor and spread everything out on the walls. "We need to plan this damn op and get it off the ground."
Keb strode forward and moved two personnel charts, grouping them with a small contingent of supply lists.
Zia's lips curved. "Oh, that's perfect." She moved a couple of the designated tasks over to a blank spot and added four more then flagged her as the owner. "I'll pull this into my schedule and get a start on organizing a committee for setting up."
Keb snorted. "You mean you'll blackmail Chibs, Ryan, and Bartley into the manual labor part of this shindig." He slid several more lists onto one screen and condensed them into a single grouping. "That leaves me with Robins, Sonarz, and Darrins. I'll make sure they're well aware I've been chatting with you about their late night galley runs."
Zia narrowed her eyes. "I didn't know about their late night thieving." She cocked her head to one side. "Why drag me into your extortion?"
Keb laughed. "Because they're more afraid of you than they are of me."
She straightened. "Oh." A slow smile spread across of her face. "Good to know."

This one is fun. If I can get these two to work together, they'll be golden.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flip.

ML Skye

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