Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sunday Snippet: Passing Ships in the Night

Hello, April. Nothing says spring like a very chilly Easter. According to the weather, snow might be in Ohio's forecast. Yay.

No worries, though. Cold weather makes for great television viewing. And this week didn't disappoint.

A great episode of Legends. Getting some information about Ava was kind of great. And Gary is awesome. I love that guy. I'm even kind of down with Damien being pretty funny for such a warped and twisted villain.

After griping about The Flash in my last post, I have to admit to thoroughly enjoying this week's episode. Nice to see Jessie back and also have a hint about a possible new Flash from another earth. Also great to have the team close to figuring out how the pocket 'verses work.

I'm still behind on Riverdale, but I did catch up with an episode. I like the interesting twist of having Clifford's brother added to the mix. But, yeah, Cheryl's not going to be in a good place. Someone needs to buy that girl a friend.

Arrow had a kick-ass episode. Giving Thea a dynamic out with Roy and Nyssa made me very happy. I'm not sure I'll like the John / Oliver direction, but I trust the writers to make it work. Having Curtis lament not having a good bantering partner also made the show.

Got a few episodes of Gotham in. For now, I'm trusting the new version of Ivy is a good thing. Having three different actresses play the role kind of makes me wary. We'll see if it's a plus as I get more episodes in. I loved the twists with Riddler / Ed and the direction Alfred and Butch's storylines are going in.

Finished up season five of Chicago Fire and got a start on six. Still loving it! Also started Blindspot on DVD. I'd already watched the first few episodes, but I'm glad to revisit them to get a refresher. Finished up season eleven of Murdoch Mysteries and, wow, even without a cliffhanger to end on, there's a buttload of tension to start season twelve. Gotta say I'm on the fence about the manipulations of Miss Hart. We'll see if that ends up being a good thing or not.

And that's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Passing Ships in the Night, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of set a story in a shipyard. This is a sci-fi group so the prompt spurred lots of ideas.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Renny Spur and Chad Raxton have something of an understanding—they meet at the Moonstar shipyard whenever they're in the Milky Way galaxy. When Chad's late for a connection, Renny gets angry and makes a bad choice—one Chad has to decide if he can overlook.

And a sneaky peek…

Renny Spur exited the small transport at her first real shipyard. "Wow… incredible." Her head craned around and she tried to take everything in.
A huge hangar bay housed multiple ships in every size. Battle frigates, transport hoppers, cabin cruisers, and luxury liners warred for space. The mix of military and civilian a sight to behold.
Renny moved forward, still gawking, and smashed into a wall of muscle. She dropped her rucksack and let out a muffled oath.
Big hands grasped her shoulders. "Hey there. Watch where you're going." The deep voice drew her attention to the person speaking.
A baby-faced guy who shouldn't have such a low timbre made her smile.
She stepped back, apologizing. "Yeah, sorry about that." Grabbing her rucksack, she hoisted it to her shoulder.
He flashed a dimpled smile. "First time, yeah?"
Her face flamed but she nodded. "Absolute freshboater, yes." Embarrassment crept up her spine.
The guy winked and stuck his hand out. "Mac Raxton. I was in your shoes about two weeks ago. Welcome to Moonstar Station."
Renny grasped his palm. "Renny Spur. Nice to meet you." She glanced around again, lost and bewildered.
Mac caught her reading the ticker boards. "You staying in a post here or passing through?"
She pushed down her overwhelming confusion. "Passing through. I'm picking up my ship assignment in the morning." Why did the signs have to be so chaotic?
Mac grabbed her shoulder and turned her in the opposite direction. "Okay, let's start with an intro to basic shipyard signage." He pointed out the color coding and the arrival and departure information.
In essence, he gave Renny a crash course, something she would have appreciated when she shipped out.
Mac rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding? The brass can't be bothered with giving the new recruits all the pertinent information. That's why they have guys like me."
Renny cocked her head to one side. "You're stationed here then?"
He nodded. "For the next four years. I'm apparently really good with logistics."
"Then why can't you ever find your ass unless it's handed to you?"
The question came from a guy standing behind them. Mac turned and his face lit up. Renny would've been ready to throw down over the insult.
Mac reached out and grabbed the guy into a huge bear hug. "Chad! Damn, bro, why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
Bro? As in brother? Okay, Renny got the resemblance after Mac stepped back. And… wow… good genes ran in the family. Built with lean muscle, Chad had the same height as Mac, but lacked the hulking frame. Where Mac had bulk and physical stature, his friendliness radiated from the boyish countenance. But Chad… could stop traffic with his handsomeness. Renny hoped like hell she managed not to gawk. But, geez, the guy should come with a warning label. Dark hair, chiseled cheeks perfect in the angular face, and eyes that probably didn't miss much in a shade of honeyed brown that no doubt warmed people from the inside out.
Chad nodded in Renny's direction. "Care to make the introductions, Mac? Or did you forget the manners Mom tried to drum into us?" His gaze lingered on Renny's face, giving her no doubt about his interest.
Score one for the freshboater.
Mac's lips quirked. "Yeah, yeah. Renny Spur, this is my older, pain-in-the-ass brother, Chad. Don't let his good looks put you off. He's a fairly decent guy when women aren't falling all over him." He gave Chad a smug look.
Chad snorted. "Don't listen to him. I'm a decent guy all the time. Mac's the one who's hit or miss." He flashed a smile and stuck his hand out.
Renny chuckled. "Nice to meet you. But I'd have to argue your point. Mac's been a huge help with figuring out where I need to go and when to be there." She grasped Chad's palm and got an instant zing.
A dangerous dilemma. Renny didn't always have the best luck with hot guys.
Chad's eyebrows rose. "First time on station?" He shot his brother a sideways glance. "Do you mind if we add one for dinner tonight?"
Mac flushed. "Uh… sorry, bro. Can't do dinner. Since I didn't know you'd be here, I made a date with a smokin' armory sergeant and he's buying." He sent Chad a sheepish grin. "Been after this guy for a while now."
Chad held up his hands. "By all means, say no more." He focused on Renny. "The invitation stands, unless you have other plans, too."
She shook her head. "Uh, no. No plans. But you don't have to do that—"
Mac cut in. "Trust me, Renny. Chad hates to eat alone." He leaned in close to whisper. "I'll vouch for him. He doesn't bite."
Chad nudged his brother on the shoulder. "Shut up. I can make my own dates." He met Renny's gaze. "He's right though. I'd rather have company for a meal. But I'll understand if you'd rather not eat with a stranger."
Renny feared she'd want more than a meal with Chad, but what the hell? "No, I don't mind. I just need to find my quarters and drop my gear there." And maybe run a brush through her hair and attempt to look presentable.
Chad crooked his elbow. "Then, please, allow me to escort you there and then I'll show where the good food can be found."
She grinned and wrapped her fingers around his bicep.
Chad glanced at his brother. "Catch up tomorrow?"
Mac nodded. "You know where to find me." He turned to Renny. "If he misbehaves, track me down and I'll handle it." He gave her another wink.
Renny laughed. "I'll do that. And thanks. You've got a friend for life after helping me figure everything out."
Mac waggled his eyebrows. "It's a gift. Freshboaters are my specialty." He lifted a hand in farewell and left her with Chad.
He snorted. "You'd think he'd been on Moonstar for years when it's only been a few weeks." He led Renny from the hangar deck out into the main station. "By the way…" He lowered his voice and leaned in close. "I really don't bite… unless I'm asked to."
Renny almost burst out laughing, but managed to keep a straight face. "That's good to know." She tightened her grip on his bicep for a moment.
Dinner and whatever came after should prove to be an interesting affair.

I'm excited to see where this story goes. It's coming together in small increments, but the sages like pondering what comes next.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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