Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Snippet: While We Still Can

As usual, the weather in Ohio is crazy. Snow and cold to start and last most of the week and a semi-thaw today with a ton of rain and wind. It's supposed to get cold again by next weekend. Sigh.

Kind of a slow week for television. I had several work deadlines that needed a lot of my attention and focus. I did get some viewing in though.

Finished up the Killjoys season and, holy crap, I'm truly ready for next season already. Where they left things? Yeah, I need to know what happens.

Caught another episode of Painkiller Jane and it was another one I didn't remember for the original airing. A pretty good one, too.

I watched an episode of Underbelly: Razor and I gotta say I'm really mad at Kate. That's the whole point but the whole deal with Bruce just burns my chaps. Tillie and Nellie are ripe for a downfall and I'll be interested in seeing how that comes about.

Caught the third episode of Endeavour and really enjoyed the case and hints dropped about the robberies. I like that there's something of a through line into the next episode. At least I hope that's what will happen. The robbery guys are total doltheads, just saying.

Watched one of my favorite episodes of The Sarah Conner Chronicles and I’m almost at the end of the road for the series. I really forgot how terrific and ahead of its time the show is.

Caught the third episode of Roswell, New Mexico. I'm truly loving this show and have become quite a fan. Here's hoping it gets a second season.

I'm two episodes from the end of Birds of Prey. Watched "Reunion" this week and enjoyed how Barbara and Helena discovered some internal truths. Also caught the first episode of Pensacola Wings of Gold season two. Not sure about continuing but I did like how they transitioned from the previous season.

Started episode four of Strike Back. Got distracted by work so I'll have to finish it up in the near future. Hopefully the very near future.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from While We Still Can, a sexy short that started with a writing community prompt of take a scene from your favorite show and switch the roles of the main characters.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Maura Sells and Cobb Kinkleman are fighting in a long and bloody war. During a rare moment of downtime, Cobb decides they need to get what they can, while they can and quickly convinces Maura with a heated kiss. They face a bleak future and stealing a night of hot passion may be their only reprieve.

And a sneaky peek…

There she is… the Maura I know and love.
He tossed back the liquid in his glass. "Rolling with the punches is probably one of your greatest traits." Another refill.
Her eyes narrowed. "When did you decide that one?" Her fingers twirled the tumbler around.
He didn't hesitate. "First day of basic training, so… what? Almost ten years ago?" Kicking back on the hind legs of the chair, he nodded.
Maura's eyes went wide. "Seriously? I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning and you remember the first day of basic?" She shook her head. "Has it really been ten years?" Her voice held a nostalgic tone.
Cobb straightened, putting the chair upright again. "Yeah, it has. And, yes, you do remember the first day. This is me you're talking to." She could brush off the topic and change the subject with anyone else.
But not him.
She rolled her eyes. "You always call me on my bullshit. From day one. That I remember." Her lips curved. "Man, I kind of miss those days."
Who the hell didn't? Before the weight of war seeped into every aspect of their life. Before friends started dying. Before—
Yeah, enough of the morose bullshit.
Cobb poured another round. "Fun times." He lifted his glass. "Here's to more of those." If they made it back.
Maura raised her tumbler and dipped her chin. "Would be nice to have some again." The last month had taken a heavy toll.
Cobb sipped the contents this time. "Hey… the bash we had for Windigo wasn't half bad." But, wow, how long ago had the birthday celebration been?
Maura drained her glass. "No, it wasn't. But seven memorials since then kind of sucks the joy out of everything, you know?" She reached for the bottle this time and tilted it for a refill.
Cobb didn't comment. What could he say? Especially when two more might be on deck. His. And hers.
He stared at the liquid sloshing out from the bottle then raised his gaze to study Maura. He couldn't have a better pilot flying the upcoming operation with him. He'd trust her with his life. Hell, he'd done so on numerous occasions. If he believed in fated destinies, he'd bet his entwined with hers.
But he didn't give credence to fate. What a joke. Yet, their paths crossed often over the last decade, zigzagging in and out of each other's orbit. How many times had they come this close to… something? Only to have common sense kick in with a healthy dose of reality.
War meant death and possibly losing the person flying one's wing.
Maura snapped her fingers. "Hey, you got quiet. What're you thinking about?"
He shrugged. "Everything. Past, present, future." Or lack thereof.
Maura snorted. "What future? The damned war isn't going to leave us with one." Bitterness tinged her tone along with something else… regret, maybe.
Which lit a spark in his mind. What if. What if they didn't make it back? What if their story ended with the upcoming mission? What if—
Maura cut into his thoughts. "Talk to me, Cobb. It's no fun to drink in silence." She shot him a quirky smile, one he'd become familiar with over the years.
A sudden truth smacked him hard. He didn't want to leave this plane of existence without putting everything on the line. When would he have another opportunity?
Sitting up, he rested his forearms on the table. "Why didn't we ever get together?" He phrased it as a question… maybe she didn't feel the same way about him.
Maura opened her mouth but closed it again.
After swallowing, she answered. "Um, I don't know. We're fighting a war…" Her voice trailed off and she glanced away. "Who has time?" She shifted in her chair, fidgeting with the glass again.
Cobb pushed back. "Maybe people should make time." A thread of challenge entered his tone.
Maura met his gaze again. "For what?" Her eyebrow rose with the question.
Cobb pressed his case. "Holding on to something. Making a connection." Digging deeper on an emotional level.
Maura studied him a few moments. "Hmm. Never thought about it. Mainly because we're taught to give up the dream for a happy future." Her lips twisted into a frown.
He nodded. "Yeah, take what we can because bright, shiny moments don't last." Screw that… bright and shiny were overrated, but something real and true… he wanted both.
He picked up his glass and finished off the alcohol. Liquid courage for what came next.
Setting the tumbler down, he met and held her gaze. "So why don't we?"
Maura quirked a brow. "Why don't we what?"
He leaned across the table, cupped her face in his hands, and slanted his mouth over hers.
Contact. Connection. Communication.

I'm having a great time with this one. I love switching the roles of the main characters and adding my spin on them.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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