Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Why We Fight

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who celebrate. I'm not big on drinking green beer, but I do have Irish—apparently from County Cork and County Down—on both sides of my family so I love to visit some of the traditions around this time.

Once again, we've had crazy back and forth weather. A lovely high in the upper seventies on Thursday with a thirty-degree drop to the mid-forties on Friday. Lots of wind and rain Thursday night. Everyone who just got over the nasty upper respiratory ick that went around is probably going to end up with it again. Bleh.

Had a decent week for television. Caught another episode of Chicago Fire. Gotta say I'm a little "meh" about the whole Stella and Severied breakup. Honestly, and I don't say this lightly, her accusation of Kelly being jealous kind of put me off. First… because she's the one who went a little crazy when Kelly's former flame came back to town, and second, because Kelly never really tried to keep her from hanging out with creepy friend dude. The distant thing, I definitely feel. But if she knows Kelly… and she does… his go-to coping mechanism is to be kind of aloof and alone, not to mention he's been giving her some space because of creepy friend dude. So, yeah, the whole breakup thing? Not thrilled with it. Too forced, in my opinion. Casey's situation, though, really played out well. I enjoyed the whole storyline of the reporter getting her story with his help.

Caught an episode of Iron Fist. Actually loved Ward and Joy's interactions with everyone. Ward is such a dickhole but I love how it's played. Kudos to the actor because he's perfect for the part. Danny and Colleen make me happy even when they're not really communicating well. The whole Mary or whatever her name is better start making sense soon. I'm a little lost with that arc.

Watched another Passionflix movie, The Protector, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm truly thrilled to be a founding member of this group. If you haven't checked out a subscription, please do. And if you're not big on streaming subscriptions, maybe think about getting a DVD. Their original movies and programs are excellent.

Also caught another episode of Classic Roswell. The one where Liz's journal goes missing and I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed that episode. Michael started growing on me after this one.

Watched an episode of Murdoch Mysteries and I'm getting into the story of William and Julia's endeavor to write a book. The case this week also intrigued me. I love having some backstory with William.

Caught another episode of Arrow and it's one I've been waiting to see. "Slabside Redemption" didn't disappoint. I've been excited to see how the prison storyline would end and I'm quite happy with how it played out. My one and only "meh" moment? Stanley's escape. That means we'll be seeing him again, right?

Watched another episode of Roswell, New Mexico. This show is starting to eat my brain in the best way. It's messy and I love it. There's nothing uncomplicated about any of the relationships. I'd love to see a better and stronger Maria and Liz vibe because I loved that friendship in the original. The Rosa storyline is starting to grow on me and I'm hoping the whole illegal alien thing smooths out soon. On one hand, I like the topical aspect to making Liz's dad illegal. On the other, I struggle a little because it's so very different from the classic version. We'll see if that one starts growing on me.

Caught another Painkiller Jane episode I either missed or forgot about the first time around. "Breakdown" ended up being a terrific episode. I loved how it ended.

Started another episode of Underbelly: Razor. This show goes to some interesting places and I'm kind of interested in where this episode will end and who will be left standing. Hopefully will have time to finish it soon.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Why We Fight, a novella that started with a writing community prompt of make one main character a solider and the other a reporter.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Emmett Barley, an embedded investigative reporter, pushes Pier Luphen, the squadron leader, for honest answers about the war they're fighting. She tries to take the status quo, but Emmett won't have it. He's heard the military party line his entire life and he wants the truth or nothing. He also wants Pier, but she's not willing to compromise her mission regardless of how she feels about Emmett.

And a sneaky peek…

"Hello? Lieutenant Lupher?" Janey Midway, the ensign assigned to Pier's supply detail snapped her fingers in front of Pier's face.
Pier blinked her attention back to Janey and got on with checking in the supplies. "Yeah, sorry. Here's the next sheet." So not the time to be distracted.
And the reason proved even worse. The idea of dinner with the hot Emmett Barley definitely shouldn't be having this effect on Pier. So what if he'd probably end up being better company than she'd had in ages?
A reporter is a reporter, Pier. Don't get tangled up any more than you have to.
Pier finished up the count and started marking the boxes. "These are the ones designated for transport to the outpost." She gave up trying to shove thoughts of Emmett Barley out of her head. "Why does that name seem so familiar?" And it had nothing to do with Ambry. The guy had friends in all branches of the military.
Janey quirked an eyebrow. "Excuse me, Lieutenant?" Her gaze questioned Pier's sanity at the moment.
Rightfully so.
Pier shook her head. "Nothing, Ensign. Trying to place where I've heard Barley before." Better than admitting how much space Emmett occupied in her brain right now.
The ensign's eye widened. "Maybe from a textbook, Sir. Major General Ethan Barley, decorated hero of the first Tehune War kind of rewrote the book for the army."
Pier closed her eyes. "Son of a bitch. That would be why." Could she be any stupider?
How could she not have made that connection? Okay, the war had been two decades ago. But still…
Janey propped her elbow on top of a crate. "Yeah, the name is pretty famous, obviously. And the general has three sons. Two are up and coming officers in the army; the other is your new headache." She chuckled and went back to moving the inventory.
Pier lifted an eyebrow. "Exactly how do you know this?" Janey didn't strike Pier as a military fangirl.
The ensign flushed, her cheeks going pink. "Army brat here, Sir. My dad's unit was attached to the general's attack force at the tail end of the war. I grew up listening about his exploits." She lifted a shoulder. "Since then, well, I've sort of followed the news about his career." Glancing away, she mumbled. "If you'll pardon me for oversharing the information."
Janey could overshare as much as she wanted, but Pier didn't want her to be uncomfortable. Maybe a change in subject would help.
Pier tilted her head to one side. "How did you end up on a sea carrier if your dad fought infantry?"
Janey laughed. "Dad loved the water but suffers from vicious seasickness." She smiled, wide and true. "I don't have that particular problem."
Pier chuckled. "It's a good thing you don't. But it makes you a great addition to the joint task force. Who knew we'd be spending as much time inland as we have?" Moving on to the next row of crates, she started the new checklist.
Between the two of them, the supervising took most of the day. By the time they had the transfer complete and ready for transport, Pier had a long list of questions running through her head and all of them swirled around Emmett Barley.
Did he get along with his siblings? How did having a war hero dad help or hurt while growing up? But the biggest one of all? Why had he chosen journalism over soldiering?
Hopefully, she'd get to ask a few when she took him to the mess hall. And, damn, if she didn't look forward to dinner. Not that she'd ever admit that fact to him.

Pier's curiosity will definitely get the better of her but she won't have to admit she's looking forward to the dinner. Emmett's a smart guy. He'll figure it out.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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