Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Wings Get Clipped

Whew. Very long week where focus became a huge hurdle. Without getting into a whole too much information thing, hormones are a total pain in the ass and not a lot of fun to deal with. Bleh.

Decent viewing week in television. Caught another episode of Endeavour and it ended up being pretty terrific. Two more episodes of season five then a wait for season six.

Next up… Roswell, New Mexico. This show has been eating my brain in a really good way. I caught up on all the back episodes and started a rewatch already. Seriously, I haven't had a show do this to me since Battlestar Galactica and Arrow. I'm going to be so disappointed if Roswell, NM doesn't get a second season.

Started an episode of Midsomer Murders and it's rather interesting to see Jones sporting a beard. The character looks so different, especially when glasses are added to the mix.

Caught another episode of The Sarah Conner Chronicles and it's one I'd forgotten about. Only six or so more episodes before the end of the line. Also caught the next to last episode of Birds of Prey. I'll finish up that series and head back to Blade on CW Seed.

Watched the fifth episode of Strike Back and loved the twist and reveal of who Kingfisher actually is. Gotta say I didn't see it coming and loved not knowing. Things will get very tricky now, or more tricky because this show doesn't do anything else. With luck, the DEA agent will meet with a satisfying end. Just saying.

Caught an episode of Chicago Fire and have to comment how nice it is to not have the squirrely deputy commissioner in my face anymore. I'll keep saying that in the hopes he'll never grace the screen again. I'm still kind of "bleh" about Stella and Kelly's breakup. A little too contrived and disappointing.

Watched a Classic Roswell episode. I'd forgotten how much of an ass Kyle is in the first season. Geez.

Also caught a couple Classic Who episodes. Getting ready to watch the Time Meddler episodes, which should be fun.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Wings Get Clipped, a novella that started with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

In the middle of a war, a long-standing personal vendetta comes to light against Schuler Grace and Gren Gambolina's commanding officer and it puts the two soldiers directly in the line of fire. Fighting the enemy within, while doing battle with their adversaries on the warfront, Schuler and Gren form an unbreakable bond to see them through their biggest challenge.

And a sneaky peek…

Admiral Marcus Shellan sat before the joint council, ready to deliver his final demand. "You're going to put me in charge of the Andromeda theater." He'd already received concessions for several topics and he'd saved the most important for last.
The chairman leaned forward. "Shellan, we won't allow you to pursue a personal vendetta in the middle of a war. If that's your plan, you can stay in the Triangulum theater."
Shellan nodded slowly. "I assure you I'm not gunning for Wharton. I know the Andromeda theater and you need my knowledge." He paused, waiting several long beats. "If you want to win."
The members of council glanced back and forth between each other, two going so far as to bob their heads up and down. Shellan settled back in his seat. He'd won this round. The chairman wouldn't be able to refuse Shellan's demand to move his command to the outpost in Andromeda.
And Shellan would get his chance to take Wharton down, once and for all.
The chairman folded his hands on the table. "Admiral Shellan. You're hereby assigned as the supreme commander of the Andromeda theater. But… I caution you, on the record, about using this post to enact a personal vendetta against Commander Wharton. You'll be removed from command and stripped of all commendations if we get any kind of indication you're abusing your rank, are you perfectly clear on that topic?" Wizened eyes pinned Shellan with their gaze.
The admiral gave a curt nod. "I am." He didn't stand on ceremony and rose from his seat. "I'll leave immediately." He strode toward the exit and twisted the knob. "I'll get results. You can count on it." Yanking the door open, he walked out of the room, back straight and head high.
His aide fell into step beside him. "Sir? Everything went according to your plan?"
Shellan let a wide, slow smile grace his face. "Of course, Schwartz." He made a turn and strode down into the landing bay where his flagship waited to depart.
Schwartz leaned in closer to the admiral. "And Wharton? Did they question you about him?"
Shellan sent his aide a sideways glance. "Of course they did. They sputtered and spewed their usual ass-covering platitudes then gave me exactly what I wanted."
Schwartz followed Shellan onto the ship. "And that would be?"
Shellan turned and faced his aide. "The chance to kill two enemies in one go, Schwartz, what else?"

Shellan is definitely going to get his ass handed to him in a big way. He thinks he knows what he's doing, but he'll be outplayed… and probably not by anyone he expects.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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