Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Adventures in Nugget Sitting

It's so weird to be in the last week of the month. Sometimes it felt like August would never end and other times like it flew right by. I'm actually looking forward to September.

Busy week with work projects but I did get some shows watched. I started a new episode of Blue Heelers and so far enjoy the second season.

Caught several episodes of Peter Gunn. There's a marathon next weekend I'll probably end up watching also.

Watched the Tomb of the Cybermen episodes of Classic Who. I'm bummed there aren't a lot of the second doctor's episodes available for viewing.

Also caught another Midsomer Murders episode. I like the new guy. I also need to figure out when they started working for Midsomer Constabulary instead of Causton CID. Probably way back in a previous season and I just missed it.

I'm in the middle of a 77 Sunset Strip marathon. This is one of my favorite classic shows.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Adventures in Nugget Sitting, a sexy short that got a start in a fanfiction writing community.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Isla Sands, an excellent poker player, loses a card draw and has to babysit the drunken newbie pilot. Between the endless questions, throwing up, and clingy behavior of her charge, Isla takes time to wonder why Riggs Marvelton always does the same for her. And why he never attempts to just kill her and put both out of their misery.

And a sneaky peek…

"Oh, no, I'm not letting you have any more alcohol, Berenza." Isla Sands snagged the bottle from the table and tucked it under her chair.
Brad widened his eyes then narrowed them, trying to bring her into focus. "Why the hell not?" He swayed in his seat.
Isla snorted. "Because you have no more brain cells to lose and even though you're having a suck-ass week, what with getting dumped on your birthday and all, you're not blowing off steam anymore." She pinned him with her gaze. "You're taking the rest of us on a whiplash-inducing hopper jump through an asteroid field." She glanced around the table. "Consensus? Anyone disagree?" Okay, the hopper jump ride might be something of an exaggeration but, geez, not by much.
Foley grunted. "Nope. Kid's had enough. He's looking a little green."
Maston backed away from the table. "Damn straight he does. Better call it a night." He scooted down to the next seat for good measure.
Isla groaned. Berenza did appear to be feeling the effects of the alcohol. She should've cut him off earlier.
Not like she couldn't recognize the signs… she'd been in his position more than a few occasions.
And you had a personal savior every one of those times.
She shot a quick look toward Riggs who shook his head when Berenza tried to stand and crashed sideways into the table.
Riggs grabbed the junior pilot by the bicep. "Easy there, Bopper. Better stay put until we get a handle on everything." His gaze scanned everyone in the room, clearly stating what needed to happen without words.
Isla sighed. Figured. Someone would need to be on nugget-watch.
Foley grumbled. "Who gets the honors? An adventure in nugget-sitting isn't at the top of my list of fun things to do." He shuffled a deck of cards, cutting them then doing it again.
Riggs shrugged. "I'm out." He slid a sideways glance toward Isla. "I pulled it last time." The twitch of his lips took the sting out of the comment.
Isla feigned offense. "Hey… I haven't been a nugget for a long time." Which actually didn't mean jack all right now and made benders somehow worse.
Because she should know better.
Riggs smirked. "Which means I should be exempt the next time someone gets stupid drunk, too."
Isla rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But fine. You can sit this one out." She looked toward Foley and Maston. "High cards win? Low card gets stuck with Berenza detail?" When both nodded, she made a grab for the deck of cards.
Foley snatched it up first. "Uh-uh. Let Maston do the shuffle. And he gets to draw first." He waggled a finger in her direction. "You're going last because your luck is a little too on the nose when you shuffle." His quirked eyebrow dared her to argue.
She couldn't. Because she did have an uncanny ability to draw the highest card when she picked first. Which isn't my fault, but whatever.
Her shoulder slumped. "Fine. Let's get this over with." She drew a card after the other two took their picks.
A wide grin spread across Foley's face. "King of hearts." He flipped the card around to show it.
Maston hesitated but showed his. "Ten of clubs." He raised both eyebrows. "What do you have, Sands?"
She heaved a sigh. "Three of spades. I lose." Dammit.
The guys high-fived each other and whooped in glee. Riggs shook his head but stayed silent. Isla nudged Berenza who lifted his head from his arms to give her a bleary stare.
She stood up. "Come on, Bopper. Let's get you headed to the bunkroom." She got a good grip on his bicep and helped him stand.
He wobbled back and forth but got his feet under him. "Why're we leaving? I'm still cele… um… celebrating my birthday." He staggered out of the rec room and bumped into the bulkhead.
Isla shot a look back toward the other pilots. "You guys suck." She wrapped an arm around Brad's waist and guided him to the center of the causeway.
Riggs got up and followed along. "I'll find a bucket you can use if he can't make it to the head." He turned at the next corridor, heading toward the supply locker.
Isla paused. "Thanks. Have a feeling I'll need it." Brad started to sway again and she gripped his arm a little harder. "Come on, Berenza. Time to sleep it off." She guided him around the short turn and started for their quarters.
Brad stopped, covering his mouth with his hand. "Ugh… I need to…" He gagged and his stomach contracted.
Thank the universe they'd just passed the head. "Oh, no. Not here. Let's go." She pushed the door open and managed to get Brad's head aimed in the direction of the toilet.
He expelled the contents of his stomach, heaving several times.
Isla stood back, her arms crossed over her chest. "Good thing I'm not squeamish."

I'm having a really good time writing this one. Isla seeing herself in Berenza's drunken fest will be fun to explore.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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