Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Snippet: Zulu Delta Niner

Ugh! August is fast becoming the craziest month I've ever had. This past week I filled my gas tank up on Monday and by Wednesday, I only had half a tank left. For perspective… a full tank of gas usually lasts about two to three weeks for me. Does that say anything about the week I had? LOL

Seriously, though, a lot of back and forth travel several times a day did give me lots of windshield time. It also gave terrible drivers and a buttload of construction but that's a whole different rant for another day.

I did end up having a highly productive week workwise, which means I didn't have a lot of time for television. I did hear the news of Krypton's demise unless another network picks it up. Here's hoping that happens. I really do love the characters.

I've been rather disappointed that my once favorite network is no longer in the running for my viewing time. I either watch on demand via the app or not at all. It makes me sad that Syfy has fallen so far. I literally used to watch the channel almost exclusively way back in the day.

As much as I love the convenience of streaming shows, I miss having a wide variety of stuff to choose from during the day on regular cable television. I have been enjoying the local channels' digital offerings. MeTV, Decades, Comet, Charge, This TV, etc. has some great classic stuff. That's what I've been having on in the background. I'm also a big fan of Ovation right now.

I did get to watch a few more episodes of Peter Gunn this week but that's about it.

Tonight's post is from Zulu Delta Niner, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt. Right now, this is a working title, but it's kind of growing on me.

Here's the mini-blurb:

In a war-torn galaxy, Nell Watkinson works to save lives on the front lines in the battle arena. When she returns home, she meets Jerrick Haight, a man who's not afraid to fight if his number is called, but he vehemently opposes waging war when it spreads resources so thin their own people suffer. On opposite sides of a moral dilemma, Jerrick's actions put him in danger and Nell uses everything at her disposal to save his life.

And a sneaky peek…

"This Haight guy shouldn't be here. He's on the draft roster."
Jerrick straightened when his name got mentioned. He glanced around to see who had a burr up their ass about his attendance at the preliminary protest meeting. A tall blond guy pointed in Jerrick's direction.
"Excuse me, are you Jerrick Haight?" The protest leader, John Hammersmith, made his way to Jerrick's location.
Jerrick stood and gave a nod. "I am. Is there a problem?" He met the cold gaze of Mr. Blond Ambition.
John shook his head. "No, not necessarily. Wayne over there thinks you're a military plant, a spy to carry back our plans to the base." Hammersmith jerked his head toward the head table.
The name and face clicked together in Jerrick's mind. Wayne Prewitt. Loudmouth hot head who liked to get arrested for protesting the unending series of wars their planetary council pursued.
Jerrick shifted his attention to John. "Mr. Hammersmith, I'm here because I believe in this cause." All eyes in the room turned in Jerrick's direction. "Yeah, I went to military school. I know the ins and outs of how to wage a campaign against an enemy. But I'm not a spy." He shot a heated glare toward Wayne. "We have a war to fight right here at home. Our own people are dying due to lack of resources because they're spread too thin. That has to stop."
Moving in a circle, he gauged the reactions of the assembled group. Most nodded in agreement. Some grumbled under their breaths about the state of politics and the uselessness of their elected officials. He warmed up to the group, already feeling like he fit in.
Jerrick continued his explanation. "Look, I'm not afraid of combat. When my number gets pulled, I'll go where I'm ordered. But don't think I support the ceaseless war. I'm sick of the constant spread of violence, especially when it's to the detriment of our planet's people." Turning to face John, he made a vow. "If you'll have me, I'm going to protest until I have to fight."
The room erupted into applause… with the exception of Prewitt. Big deal. So Jerrick didn't have a fan in the hulking blond agitator. He could live with that.
Hammersmith gave Jerrick a level stare. "Keep your head on straight and you'll do fine here." He stuck his hand out. "Welcome to the cause, Haight."
Jerrick shook the man's hand and settled back down into his seat. He ignored the exaggerated eye roll Prewitt gave when John made his way back to the front of the room. Prewitt did more harm than good with his big mouth and skirmishes with the military police.
But maybe he kept the heat off everyone else? Jerrick didn't quite have the lay of the land there yet. He'd be smart to pay attention and keep an eye on the situation.
Hammersmith called the meeting to order. "First up, we'll be marching at the rally next week, but we need a presence at the Ministry of War building tomorrow. Some high-level meetings are taking place and we want to make our voices heard." He lifted his chin and pinned Jerrick with his gaze. "Can you be there?"
Jerrick nodded. "Let me know the time. I work at the hospital and it's only four blocks away from the location."
Hammersmith's lips curved. "See me after the meeting. I'll give you the details."
Jerrick sat back and let the satisfaction of finally doing something fill him. He finally had the chance to make a difference right here at home.

I'm pretty pleased with how this story is shaping up. I started the outline for this one almost over three years ago and it's weird how much relevance the details have at the moment.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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