Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday Snippet: The Zipper Incident

August 11, 2019

August is shaping up to be the busiest month I've had in a long time. Between running around with my daughter and new projects landing in my inbox, I need about five more hours in each day.

Very limited television viewing this week. I ended up not starting the playlist listen while working. Too many interruptions.

I did watch a marathon of Aurora Teagarden Mysteries. Also caught some Peter Gunn episodes.

Other than that, the manuscript evaluations I've been working on took precedence. It's easier to review and assess when it's quiet and I don't have something else trying to pull my attention away from the material.

On a very happy note, I finished up a manuscript I've been writing for a long, long time. It's the follow up to Shyler: Finding Home, a Furlough 99 novella. The story ended up being more involved than I thought it would be and it turned out so much better than I'd hoped. Look for it soon!

That's pretty much it for television this week. I really want to get back to Krypton and finish up Riverdale and Arrow. Hopefully this week.

Tonight's post is from The Zipper Incident, a sexy short that started with a scene prompt from a writing community.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Layne Donaker makes a grave error when she mistakenly uses a super adhesive on Hyde Scarlotti's zippers—all of them, including his flight suit. Hyde is beyond done with her stupid pranks and calls her out in front of the entire crew, which Layne doesn't take kindly.

And a sneaky peek…

Hyde crumpled up his clothes and shoved them into a plastic bag. "I can't believe she pulled such a shit stunt." He dragged the bag out over the hatch and headed toward the quartermaster's office.
After ordering new… well, pretty much everything that had zippers… he let the anger he'd kept at bay off its leash.
Stomping down to the hangar deck, he made a beeline for the person responsible for wrecking practically every item of clothing he owned. Of course, being out of uniform drew all eyes his direction. Technically speaking, he shouldn't be on the deck in only a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.
Layne paused in her task but didn't turn to face him. No doubt she sensed the simmering rage radiating off him. That and all the gazes burning holes into her back. She calmly finished her maintenance before setting the wrench aside.
Finally, she angled toward him and her eyebrow shot straight up. "Going for the casual look after getting a bump in rank is an interesting choice." She barely kept a smirk from forming on her mouth.
Hyde snorted. "Gee… wonder whose fault that is." As if anyone really did.
Her eyes went wide. "You think I know?" She eased her chin up a notch.
Hyde pinned her with his gaze. "Are you telling me you didn't glue every single fucking zippered item in my locker? Are you really going to deny it?" She'd be hard-pressed to do so.
Layne narrowed her eyes. "Can you prove it was me?"
Hyde let loose. "Are you kidding? Who the hell else would have the balls to fuck with my stuff on the very day I got promoted?" He took a step forward. "This has your name written all over it. I mean, it's pretty much a signature Layne Donaker move, right?" He planted his hands on his hips, leaning in. "Don't get what you want so you have to act out like a five-year-old."
The punch caught him off guard when it came. The uppercut snapped his head back and gasps echoed through the deck. Hyde didn't hesitate to retaliate, striking out with a right cross that connected with her chin. They each took a moment to wipe blood from the respective wounds before the deckhands crowded around them.
"Chief called the MPs. You better get your stories straight." A specialist nudged Hyde with her elbow.
Hyde grunted but didn't reply.
Layne shook her head. "I can't believe you're getting this pissy about a stupid practical joke." Her lips took on a derisive twist. "Just soak the clothes in hot soapy water. It's not that difficult." She rolled her eyes.
Hyde made a garbled choking sound. "Sure, Layne, that would be terrific. Except you used liquid solder, which means every single zipper is fused shut." His voice rose to a shout by the end of his tirade.
Her mouth dropped open but she didn't get a chance to speak. The MPs arrived and escorted Layne and Hyde to the brig; charges to be determined.
Following Layne down the corridor, Hyde wanted to dig down deep and find out why he'd become her target. Usually, Layne pulled her pranks on everyone but him. He didn't like being on the receiving end.
And he didn't like not knowing where the hell his closest confidant on the ship disappeared to… because the Layne in front of him didn't fit that role right now.

Seriously, this story is so much fun! Layne can't believe she screwed up on the epic level she did and she's not keen on explaining her position. Hyde won't let her off the hook until she does. Fun times. LOL

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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