Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Snippet: Domestic Partners

We're entering week … eh, I'm not even sure … of the social distancing and I'm truly hoping we start to see the case numbers come down. We're doing what we can to stay inside and away from others. We do try to order from our local restaurants a night or two a week to help support the establishments.

Had a slower than normal week of television viewing. I started out by finishing up Strike Back's third episode. I'm very excited for the rest of the season. I also caught the declassified short for this episode.

I started a new episode of Blue Heelers and hope to finish it this upcoming week. So far, I'm truly enjoying this show.

Watched the end of a Gargoyles episode and got two more in. I don't remember Xanatos being such a cheesy villain when I watched this show with my oldest. Man, he is one though.

Started the first season of The Witcher. Gotta say I'm intrigued. Here's hoping the rest of the season measures up.

For fun, I watched the blooper reel for Dirty, Sexy Saint and laughed out loud a couple of times. I love how much behind the scenes Passionflix shares with its members.

Caught another episode of Arrow. I'm not sure if it's because I know it's ending or if the writing has just kicked it up a notch but I can honestly say I end up getting all choked up with tears in every episode so far. We're getting to the home stretch so I don't expect that to change.

Also watched another episode of Murdoch Mysteries and thoroughly enjoyed it. Having the ladies take center stage was much appreciated. I'm a little intrigued by Violet showing her sharpened teeth, which probably won't bode well for William and Julia in the next two episodes. That said, I'll be happy if Miss Violet Hart ends up going down in flames. I'm not a fan.

And that's pretty much it for television this week. Tonight's post is from Domestic Partners, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Tabby and Hale pretend to be domestic partners to keep the man who killed her husband from getting his hands on her. But when they're forced to live together, sparks and tempers fly, because Tabby broke a promise she made to Hale and he's not going to let her forget it.

And a sneaky peek…

Hale nuzzled her. "We don't have to worry. We can get by for at least a few months on our small stipends." His voice drifted toward sleep.
Tabby couldn't live that way. Growing up hand to mouth, she needed to earn a steady paycheck. Accepting the trifling amount the exploration corps allotted for their recruitment classes, didn't sit easily with Tabby. And, even if the explorers called and accepted them into the actual program, it would be three months of hard mental training and lots of studying.
Hale had the brainpower to pass anything. Tabby didn't have the same confidence. And if she failed … what then? A contingency plan. One she already had in place by signing on to work the mining colony.
At least until they knew for certain about the explorer unit, which could take three to six months. Waiting games weren't her thing at all. Not knowing if the corps would call the next day or hundreds of days from now drove her crazy.
But … she hadn't told Hale about the possible job. And her gut screamed she'd get a summons within the week. The colony always needed workers for the mines. The pay sucked, but the take home doubled what the corps meted out for recruits.
Turning onto her back, she stared at the ceiling. She'd cross that chasm when necessary. Why make an issue of something that might or might not happen? Because Hale deserves to know. Yeah, he probably did. But, dammit, they'd fight again. All because she wanted more from life and didn't want to wait.
Am I being selfish? Hale didn't really have a clue what growing up without a safety net did to a person. Love and support were second nature for him. For her? They equaled hard work. Something she didn't fear, but the niggling thought Hale would be better off without her dragging him down popped up in her mind a lot.
She'd worry later. If and when a call came through.

This one is moving along at a very slow clip. I know all the beats but the sages are being particular about the details. Here's hoping I get some time to dive in and really connect to the story.

That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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