Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday Snippet: A Little More

Okay, I've been on a cleaning spree again, which means I had a somewhat slow week with television. I haven't been in the mood and my attention span is limited right now.

I did get a new episode of Blue Heelers started. It's an interesting one and I'm enjoying it.

I also finished up the final chapter of the second episode of Queens of Mystery. I really like this show.

Caught the second part of a Silent Witness episode and quite liked the mystery this time. I also enjoyed getting to see the transition from Sam to Leo as professor. I've never seen how they handled that.

Other than my usual slate of Classic Perry Mason and The Saint along with the Ovation shows, I haven't caught much else. Ovation has a new-to-me show called King and I've seen a few of the episodes. Not bad. I'll see if my opinion holds.

That's it for television this week. Tonight's post is from A Little More, a novella that got a start with a writing community prompt.

Here's the mini-blurb:

Lexie Krost and Tighe Milligan work and live together—and a little more—on a remote base in the depths of space. They shouldn't act on their attraction, but the pull is strong and once they've crossed the line they have to figure out how to be a little less.

And a sneaky peek…

Tighe Milligan dragged his butt down the corridor to quarters. "Ugh. No more double shifts—at least not for a while." He'd pulled the back-to-back shifts to help out a friend who wanted to ship out early for his new post. "Right now, I want nothing more than a shower and some rack time." He didn't bother grabbing clothes. "Heh, I'll probably have the head to myself." Not to mention the corridors.

Damned spooky and eerily quiet. Who knew an almost empty starbase could be creepy. Okay, everyone knew that.

He ducked into the head and started a shower then stepped under when the spray warmed. "Fourteen people and two command officers rambling around on a starbase." By the time they finished the shutdown, they'd all be in each other's pockets if only to avoid the vast feeling of loneliness.

He lathered up and rinsed off then took some extra time to let the hot water work out some of the kinks from eight hours in the cockpit. "At least we've got a decent group remaining." The CO, Colonel Barrick Klemper made sure he kept a crew that got along.

Tighe chuckled. "That's the only reason Lexie's still here." She made Klemper lose his mind on a semi-regular basis.

Lexie. Man. He attempted a test run with her, primed the launch tube but flamed out. Hell, every guy on station had tried their luck with her. Gorgeous looks combined with a wild sense of humor and high intelligence made her extremely attractive. She shot everyone down.

Tighe laughed. "She didn't need any help trying Klemper's patience by adding breaking frat regs to her list of annoyances." Grabbing a towel, he dried off.

Turning him down didn't keep her from flirting up a storm. And they'd developed a friendly rivalry. One he'd miss like crazy when they finished the station shutdown.

With a towel around his waist, he headed for quarters. "Day before laundry day and one pair of socks left. I can't wait to put them on." The deck always made him chilly when he went barefoot.

Ducking into the bunkroom, he grabbed his clothes from his locker. "Dammit." One of his socks had gone missing.

A quick search turned up nothing.


Damn fool woman. He didn't doubt she'd taken the match to his pair. He should've expected the theft. She'd been too quiet lately. And with Colonel Klemper off base, she didn't have anyone else to drive insane with her antics.

"Figures, she passed the torch to me."

The fact he read her moves so well probably didn't count as a good thing. He spent a little too much time observing her antics in action. She had such a creative mind.

But … she'd called it. While tempting to act on the attraction, with so few crew left everyone would know. But … he'd use whatever means necessary. He had to get his sock back.

Yanking on a T-shirt and boxers—and one damn sock—he took off to find his thief.

I'm having so much fun writing this one. Lexie and Tighe are a great couple and I love their dynamic.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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