Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Passing Ships in the Night

We definitely had a hot week and I'm so glad I got rid of most of the yucky upper respiratory crud. We're due for some major storms later today so that should be interesting.

I'm still not quite caught up on my work projects but I'm making headway. Thankfully none of them have red line due dates. I did manage to finish a proofread and will be sending it on its merry way later today. I still have another proofread and a copy edit to work on this week.

Had an almost nonexistent viewing week. Between playing catch up on my work projects and still being kind of bleh, I stuck with my comfort viewing of Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I did work in a few binge episodes of Death in Paradise on regular television.

That said, I did start the new season of My Life Is Murder and I'm loving the premiere episode so far. So nice to have Alexa and Madison back!

That's pretty much it for the life update this week. Tonight's post is from Passing Ships in the Night, a novella that follows two people very focused on their careers and how they become a couple … or not.

Here's the miniblurb:

Renny Spur and Chad Raxton have something of an understanding—they meet at the Moonstar shipyard whenever they're in the Milky Way galaxy. When Chad's late for a connection, Renny gets angry and makes a bad choice—one Chad has to decide if he can overlook.

And a sneaky peek…

Renny leaned back and groaned. "You were so right about the Talithian food. It's amazing." She grimaced. "But I might not be able to leave the restaurant. I'm disgustingly full." She placed her palms on her stomach.
Chad gaze drifted from her hands upward, appreciation creeping into the irises. "You don't look any worse for the partaking of the premium meal. In fact, you look pretty damn good." His lips kicked up in a grin.
She basked in the compliment. "Uh, thanks. But you might have to roll me out of here." Or help her burn off the extra calories in a different way.
He didn't hide his interest and she teetered on the edge of making a big decision. Everything about spending time with him had her craving more. A rare occurrence because she didn't connect with people often. But Chad made it easy.
What an amazing experience. He could keep a conversation going, as good at listening as regaling her with stories of growing up with Mac. And he asked great questions, interested in how she ended up with a degree and her pilot quals.
How long had it been since she'd engaged with someone on more than a periphery level?
Too long.
Because she'd been so focused on her goals. Random hookups were the norm for her. But Chad made her want to see if she could do something deeper.
Did he feel the same?
She might as well test the waters. "So … you're on station until next week? Got any plans for the rest of the night?" Her limited window of opportunity didn't give them a lot of time.
Chad's mouth twisted in a wolfish grin. "Since Mac is otherwise occupied, I do not." He extended his hand toward her. "Unless you have some ideas."
Renny smiled, big and wide. "As a matter of fact … I do." She clasped his fingers and slowly got to her feet. "If you're game."
Chad stood up and hauled her close. "I'm definitely game." With another flash of a heated gaze, he led her from the restaurant.

I'm having fun with the concept of this story. It's a challenge to write the connection the characters have when they really don't get to be physically present with each other very often.


That's it for this week. Catch everyone on the flipside.

ML Skye

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